Saturday, August 18, 2007

my first post- philosophical

well life takes you to many twists and turns. it takes you to places where you never wanted to be and it also takes you to places at which once u arrive u never wanna leave those places. it asks you the toughest questions and also provides you with easy answers . it gives you enemies and friends. it gives you love and hatred. it gives you success and also dooms you with failur. it comes with dreams and it also brings with it worst nightmares. it takes you to newer heights and also takes you through the falls. some of them are really very big.
it brings out the kid in you and also makes you behave as a grown up adult even though u r hardly by passing ur teenage . it brings with it lonleliness and also get togethers. it takes u away from ur loved ones whom u really never wanted to leave and also introduces to new characters. lllllliiiiffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeee its liikee that ..but even after writing so much question remains ...what is life ?? i s it the mere existence. breathing in air n taking out . having food , doing your routine work and then dozing of to get up the next day and repeat the same procedures again. or has it got a special meaning. most of us will say that it has got a meaning ...hasnt it ?? but where to find that meaning ?? in the noises of the rickshaws and buses ?? amongst crowded stations and sub ways ?? or is it among the tall buildings and large corporate offices?? or is it among the latest shahrukh movie or among the sixer of sachin tendulkar?? where to find that meaning ?? c'mon guys find that meaning . i havent found it yet ...want to find it out though ..... what i xpect out of life and wat it xpects outta me ...its all interlinked..well well ...just try n google life ???
according to a dying man
" life is a series of endless battles which one must fight but can never win" ............


Unknown said...

glad to know you liked it. according to me " but i have promises to keep and miles to go before i sleep"

Dorm Bedding said...

Just wondering if you're still updating this blog??? :)

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