me ip and gsb on 7th may 2008
thats the look towards jogeshwari
slums around gilbert hill
slumdog millionaire's one scene was shot here
and so was sholay's
earlier when there used to be no buildings around....
might be some 10-15 years ago....
well well guys ...dreams ..dreams n more dreams ..some are fulfilled immediately...some in a few hours..some in a few days ..n some just happen after a long time n then you realise it ...(ahh! i had thought about this so long n its happening with me now)
well 10th november 2000
i visit ma uncles place @ juhu gali andheri west after a very long time ..i was in 7th standard ...n had just been blessed wid a cute sister 2 month ago ...
so i go to his place n after some time v r on d terrace of d building ..well m a adventure freak from within n yeah crazy abt it ...so i see a hill frm dis place ... n d wish widin me arises to go 2 dis palce ..but den u know evry1 is lik wat vl v do goin dere (sounds really boring to me )
so den i go back ..n it fades away ....
29th june 2006
well well ....i have secured an admission in svkms nmims's mpstme in comp. engg
so i have to be in mumbai ....v hav r lecs at dj sanghavi coll
frm d 6th flr of d coll i can see a hill( i didnt even no d name den )
again ma mind races back (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) i have seen dis place b4 ..n yeah i always wanted 2 be dere ....but u see i wasnt able to ...
but again m new to mumbai ..dont know d roads n stuff n how to get dere ....but the wish alwasy remains ....
after d 1st trisem ...i hav a nickname "parashar 'gilbert' pandya"
many of ma frnds no abt dis place now ..but then who wuld want to come wid me ...i try to convince evry1 but dey r lik same ..wat vl v do dere ...so even in d 2nd trisem no one comes....n again in d 3rd trisem ..evry1 sounds the same . no one wants to come again
meanwhile in august or september there is this article in TOI which says abt GILBERT HILL ..so finally i get the name ..its GILBERT HILL ...
mean while 26 th april arriver n its time to go back home @ baroda
so no gilbert hill in the 1st year ..but then i wanted to go there
6th october
finally i decide to hell with everyone m goin to go maself ..(only ghanshyam was d person who was ready to come with me on gilbert hill )
but then i decide let me go ...so i enter juhu gali (which is quite near frm ma new place of residence) ...n after goin from all d crap palces ( slums surround gilbert hill ) they have just disturbed the aura of this hill ...they shud be removed as soon as possible ..n finally after climibing gates of residential societies ..n tresspassing many sociities i reach gilbert hill ...also i must have asked 100s of people the way to gilbert hill ...from policeman to street children to watchmans ..
n den it arrives 200 ft high standing there ...there is a small hut down dere were a family sells coconut n flowers to b offered to god ..yaa there is a temple of gaondevi n durgamata over there ....so i start climbing the steep staircase ....n finally i have reached the summit....wow wat a place it is ...on one side u can have the view of juhu beach ...wonderful ...on the other the towering buildings of andheri n all the way upto goregaon ...n den also the santacruz airport ...its wonderful to see a aeroplane taking off... frm d runway ..i tell u see it to belive it ...n den the majestic hiranandani gardens of powai ....it just felt i should keep o n seeing this place never get down.....wow it was wonderful.
so r u gonna join me the next time???
here is the gilbert hill on wikimapia and here it is on wikipedia..